Placenta Encapsulation

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As a certified Placenta Encapsulator Specialist through Placenta Benefits Inc, I adhere to the Traditional Chinese method of encapsulating, which entails steaming, dehydrating, and encapsulating the placenta in your home. I do this in the safety of your home for multiple reasons. To maintain OSHA and food safety laws, reduce the chances of cross-contamination, and allow clients to be a part of each step of the process. This allows families the opportunity to witness my sanitation and safety standards and creates space for questions to be asked to demystify the encapsulation process. Through the years, I’ve found that families and children are often drawn to the encapsulation technique and find themselves asking lots of great questions, ultimately realizing what a great resource the placenta is to our bodies for postpartum healing.


Placenta capsules completed within 72 hours of your birth (longer processing time may occur depending on circumstances, though rare.) Umbilical cord memento included.

If you have delivered and we have not consulted that is OKAY! Just call 805.294.0557


Benefits to consuming your placenta can including:

Decreases postpartum depression & Improved mood.

Increased milk-supply.
Increased energy.

Supports Hormones.

Increases Iron Supply.


Check out the frequently asked questions below to gain a deeper understanding of this service and how it can benefit you.

What is placenta encapsulation?

Placenta encapsulation involves processing the placenta (an organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy to provide oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby) into capsules. The placenta is typically steamed, dried, and ground into a powder that is then placed into capsules.

Why do people choose to encapsulate their placenta?

According to Johnson et al. (2018) “Placental tissue is a source of natural hormones, trace elements and essential amino acids – the ingestion of raw or dehydrated placenta could influence postpartum convalescence, lactation, mood and recovery.” Many people choose to encapsulate for these potential benefits. Others may encapsulate for cultural or spiritual resons tied to postpartum recovery, or simply for the fact that all other mammals ingest their placentas and ‘nature knows best’.

What are the proposed benefits of placenta encapsulation?

Placenta encapsulation is believed to boost mood and energy after childbirth, and may also help with milk production and reducing postpartum depression. Another proposed benefit is increased iron, According to Gryder, Laura K et al. (2018) “Average iron concentrations were considerably higher in encapsulated placenta (0.664 mg/g) compared to the encapsulated beef placebo (0.093 mg/g) but provided only 24% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for iron among lactating women based on the study’s maximum daily intake.” That being said the majority of benefits are primarily reported from maternal experiences, since research on placenta encapulation is new and minimal thus far.

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