As a certified Placenta Encapsulator Specialist through Placenta Benefits Inc, I adhere to the Traditional Chinese method of encapsulating, which entails steaming, dehydrating, and encapsulating the placenta in your home. I do this in the safety of your home for multiple reasons. To maintain OSHA and food safety laws, reduce the chances of cross-contamination, and allow clients to be a part of each step of the process. This allows families the opportunity to witness my sanitation and safety standards and creates space for questions to be asked to demystify the encapsulation process. Through the years, I’ve found that families and children are often drawn to the encapsulation technique and find themselves asking lots of great questions, ultimately realizing what a great resource the placenta is to our bodies for postpartum healing.
If you have delivered and we have not consulted that is OKAY! Just call 805.294.0557

Decreases postpartum depression & Improved mood.

Supports Hormones.

Increases Iron Supply.
- Placenta Benefits Inc
- Testimonies & articles on scientific research
- Evidence on Placenta Encapsulation
- Placenta – Worth Trying? Human Maternal Placentophagy: Possible Benefit and Potential Risks” (Johnson et al. (2018) )
- Placentophagy among women planning community births in the United States: Frequency, rationale, and associated neonatal outcomes” (Benyshek, Daniel et al. (2018))
- Effects of Human Maternal Placentophagy on Maternal Postpartum Iron Status: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study.” (Gryder, Laura K et al. (2017))