Bengkung Belly Wrap

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  • Supports your organs, as everything returns to a pre-pregnancy state.
  • Encouraging your core muscles back together (diastasis recti).
  • Wrapping can provide stability for loose ligaments.
  • Supports your pelvic floor, by helping the surrounding muscles to not overcompensate.
  • Can help increase circulation and prevent swelling.
  • Can help reduce the intensity of afterpains.
  • Helps with posture, especially to avoid the breastfeeding slump.
  • Fully customizable to your ever-changing postpartum body.
  • Creates a dedicated moment of self-care.


Belly wrapping during the postpartum period is a traditional practice for many different cultures. In Latin America their wrapping technique is called a “faja”, in Japan their’s is called a “sarashi”, and in Malaysia their’s is called a “bengkung” wrap. Although each culture may have a variety of reasons for wrapping, they all hold one thing in common — to support the mother through her postpartum healing journey.

These beautiful ancient traditions have continued to be practiced due to the great satisfaction mothers find in it. Although there is a lack of scientific studies, the generations of personal testimony and authentic wisdom cannot be ignored.


Check out the frequently asked questions below to gain a deeper understanding of this service and how it can benefit you.

What is a Bengkung belly wrap?

A Bengkung belly wrap is a long piece of fabric, typically made from breathable cotton muslin, used to bind the torso after childbirth. It’s a traditional practice in Southeast Asian cultures and is gaining popularity worldwide.

How tight should the Bengkung be?

The Bengkung shouldn’t be constricting. It should provide gentle support and allow for comfortable movement. If it feels too tight, your doula or you can loosen it up. Most importantly, the wrap should be tight at the hips not the abdomen, this ensures prolapse doesn’t occur.

How do I apply a Bengkung belly wrap?

There’s a specific technique for wrapping the Bengkung. It’s advisable to consult a doula experienced in Bengkung binding for propper instructions.

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